I'm Lucy, the founder of Freckle and I believe that everyone is creative.
My aim is to provide the teaching, guidance and support for young learners to develop their own unique expression through visual arts.
“Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else.”
Sydney Gurewitz Clemens
My Story
I was that child who loved making things; happiest sat indoors working on a craft kit or following some instructions from a book or kid's tv programme. It gave me a real sense of achievement to create something. They didn't always turn out perfectly but that didn't matter, I loved the process. Looking through ideas of things to make, checking what materials I had to work with, planning the style I was aiming for and then finally sitting down to get making. Creating gave me such joy!
Fast forward quite a few years and somewhere along the way I forgot I was a a maker, a creator, an aspiring artist; I became a proper adult instead. Then as they say, life happened. But in one of my most 'grown up' moments (before my son was born) the ideas found me again, I felt the urge to start making.
My first ventures were in knitting and then all things textiles, some of it self-taught and some learned through courses, qualifications and beyond. Since then, I haven't stopped and the ideas keep flowing. I'm reminded of this quote from the fabulous Maya Angelou,
"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”
My vision for my new studio at Banks Mills is to work with young people to develop their own creativity. Initially this will predominantly be within textiles, in the future I intend to extend our offering to include more aspects of visual arts. Freckle aims to offer a bespoke service during the school day (or at a time that suits the learner) through fully qualified teachers with lived experience of SEND and neurodiversity.
Freckle provides creative learning opportunities to children who are not attending mainstream school for various reasons including home educated pupils, children with school-based anxiety and/or SEND. However, we would also love to work with young people from all backgrounds who wish to develop their creative practice.
Please get in touch to find out what Freckle could offer to develop your child's creative journey.